Far from being an invasion of privacy, social media background checks are a necessary and commonplace tool for businesses to screen prospective employees. According to YouGov research, nearly one in five employers avoided a disaster thanks to analysing a person’s online activity, with offensive language being the main deterrent.

Keep reading as we dive deeper into the reasons why you should perform background checks before briefly exploring the benefits of outsourcing the task to a professional third-party service.

1.   Security

Employees have access to confidential client data and business assets, so they must be someone you can trust. Social media checks can reveal possible involvement in illegal activity, including drug use and links to proscribed organisations, as well as information about financial status.

Undertaking a thorough risk assessment prevents bribery, corruption and fraud – all of which would irretrievably damage the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build.

2.   Dangerous language

People who share hateful content and use offensive language are a safeguarding issue. Not only will they demoralise your workforce, compromising mental wellbeing and productivity, but their behaviour could escalate into violence. What’s more, they aren’t the best brand representatives!

Thankfully, you can legally disqualify job applicants whose social posts promote sexism, racism, homophobia or any discrimination.

3.   Culture fit

Social media can be an excellent indicator of whether someone would mesh with your existing team. Perhaps, they enjoy similar pastimes? How they communicate with friends and family could offer clues to their behaviour in an organisational setting.

Remember, social posts should gently inform your decision. Holding different political views and going clubbing on the weekend doesn’t equal being a bad employee.

4.   Skills and expertise

Above all else, social media checks highlight skills and experience you might desperately need. You’re looking for positive attributes too, after all.

You could discover an informative and well-written article on LinkedIn, boasting hundreds of likes and shares. Maybe, there’s a colourful Instagram account overflowing with carefully curated photos, suggesting a keen eye for design. Candidates with YouTube channels are often confident public speakers – perfect for customer-facing roles.

The benefits of outsourcing social media background checks

Think social media checks sound easy? Think again. In-house reviews rarely give a complete picture (googling someone’s name isn’t enough), and you could fall into unconscious bias. Simply put, that means making judgements that favour people who look like you or share the same backgrounds, regardless of talent.

In contrast, using a professional service offers an objective and complete assessment of a candidate. What’s more, they’re fully compliant, protecting a person’s most sensitive information alongside your credibility.

Safeguard your interests with an in-depth social media background check

There are no nasty surprises when you choose a social media background check with M19 solutions. Our team has a wealth of experience across all sectors, so you can rest assured your case is in the most capable hands.

You’ll receive a full report outlining employment history, red flags and personal background, allowing you to proceed with confidence or cut ties before things go south.

If you’re ready to safeguard your interests, get in touch today by calling 0161 706 0057. Alternatively, send us an email at info@m19solutions.co.uk.