If you ask the average person on the street, their knowledge of private investigators starts with Sherlock Holmes and ends with Poirot. And while we’re not knocking these excellent (if mostly fictional) detectives, there is a lot more to the world of a PI.

Read on for a brief history of this interesting career choice and it’s real-life Sherlocks.

The original PI – Eugène Vidocq

In the early 19th century, Paris was the city of lights, love, and … private investigation. A former criminal turned crime-fighter, Eugene Vidocq is considered the father of modern private investigators. In 1833, he founded the first known private detective agency, “Le Bureau des Renseignements.’

His methods were revolutionary as he maintained a network of informants and used his special talent in disguise for undercover work. Vidocq even created the first recorded use of ballistics in solving a case. His life’s work was known to have inspired literary giants like Edgar Allan Poe and Victor Hugo and he proved that badges weren’t needed to solve mysteries.

Across the pond – The Pinkerton National Detective Agency

Across the pond in 1850s America, The Pinkerton National Detective Agency was formed. Initially, focusing on railway theft cases, Allan Pinkerton took private investigation to new heights. The Pinkerton Agency became famous (or infamous, depending on who you ask) for its role in labour disputes, spy work during the Civil War and even for foiling an assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln!

They became synonymous with private investigation, their iconic logo, an eye with the motto “We Never Sleep,” coining the term “private eye.” They showed that private investigation wasn’t just for Europeans either, it had a huge role in shaping American history too.

The evolution of modern PIs: tech, techniques and tenacity

Fast forward to today, and the world of private investigation has hugely progressed. Today’s PIs are more than just shadowy figures in trench coats; they are highly skilled professionals. However, despite this evolution, modern PIs still appreciate the methods of old-school sleuthing and combine them with modern cutting-edge technology and up-to-date legal standards to get results.

They tackle a wide range of cases, from missing persons to corporate espionage, using everything from DNA analysis to digital forensics. The essence of the profession, however, is the same as it’s ever been – a relentless pursuit of the truth.

Need a PI in Manchester? We’ve got you covered!

From the shadowy streets of Paris to the bustle of modern Manchester, Private Investigators have been unravelling mysteries for centuries.

And speaking of Manchester, if you’re looking for help from a professional private investigator in the city, look no further than M19 Solutions. Regardless of whether you’re facing personal challenges or complex business issues, our team offers the perfect combination of investigative skills to get the job done. Contact us to schedule a consultation or for free, discreet, no-obligation advice.