If you’re getting involved with someone personally or professionally, you want to know whether you can trust them. All too often, people will hide things about their past – from previous relationships or employment to a questionable credit history or other activity. 

Thankfully, a professional background check will assess all of these areas to give you a clear picture of someone’s past, as well as their current circumstances. In this post, we’ll list four situations where a background check can be hugely beneficial. 

1. Tenants 

We’ve all heard the horror stories about tenants not paying their rent, causing damage to a property, before eventually going off the grid, leaving their landlords to foot the bill. If you’re a landlord, you might even have experienced it yourself. 

In most cases, however, this nightmare scenario is completely avoidable. By completing a thorough background check on tenants before letting your property to them, you can ensure they are a decent, trustworthy person. 

Poor credit history, irregular employment and income, or even posts on social media can all paint a picture of an unsuitable tenant – allowing you to steer clear before they cost you money. 

2. Employees 

Employees are essential to get things done for your business. But quite often, when you employ someone, you also give them access to your important business assets. 

That could be information such as clients’ contact details, payment information, or tricks of the trade. Alternatively, it could be physical assets like computers, tools or even vehicles. 

Whatever the case, they need to be trusted. Stealing information or equipment from your business could leave you forking out or even cause irreparable damage to your livelihood. That’s not even mentioning the reputation of your business, which can be significantly impacted by disreputable employees. 

With a background check of their previous employment, social accounts and demographical data, you can get a better idea of their credibility. This information will help to decide whether toemploy them with confidence or avoid them for good. 

3. Business involvement 

While employees may be privy to some valuable assets, those at the top of the business can have even more of an impact on your livelihood. Whether it’s a partnership or shareholder investment, you want to make sure people don’t have ill intentions when getting involved with you and your company. 

A background check will provide a full professional profile for any person of interest, detailing their current employment and appointments, as well as any previous involvement in other businesses. Complemented by a social media sweep and credit history check, you can find out about any misdemeanours or illicit activity before making an informed decision about their involvement in your business. 

4. Relationships 

Background checks aren’t just useful for business and financial cases. They can also be invaluable for personal matters too. When you’re in a relationship with someone, you want to think you can trust them with anything. That’s certainly important when you’re making long-term commitments such as parenthood, mortgages or marriage. 

Unfortunately, that trust can often be misplaced, with people hiding things about their past, lying about money or even disguising who they really are. A background check can verify someone’s identity and reveal any potential red flags before you or a loved one make a big commitment, so you can be sure your trust isn’t misplaced.  

Arrange a background check 

Whether it’s a tenant, employee, investor or personal partner, background checks are a simple, effective way to protect your interests and avoid any emotional stress or financial loss. 

At M19 Solutions, we’re committed to complete confidentiality from the moment you get in touch. Our professional team will undertake a thorough background check and provide a full report of our findings in a timely manner. 

For a free, no obligation quote, simply contact our team on 0161 706 0057 or info@m19solutions.co.uk.