A good understanding of the internal mechanics of your workplace is critical to the ongoing success of your business. Of course, employees can be extremely shrewd when it comes to concealing information from their seniors. This is where undercover workplace investigations come in.

Designed to take you behind the scenes of your workplace and empower you with information, internal investigations can help solve problems, identify troublemakers and restore workplace cohesion.

Here’s a few signs to look for if you suspect something is amiss in your workplace.

1. Accusations of workplace bullying

As a business owner or manager, it’s your responsibility to maintain a safe and supportive workplace environment. Workplace bullying is not only illegal, but it compromises the performance and mental health of your employees.

The impact can be severe and widespread, affecting not only the victim but also their colleagues as they watch the bullying unfold and struggle over how to deal with it and in some cases, become bullied themselves.

Suspect workplace bullying is occurring in your workplace? Using a meticulous approach and aboveboard methodology, our experienced team of private investigators can help you get the answers you need.

2. Suspected employee misconduct

From serious crimes such as accepting bribes and siphoning money into a private bank account, to smaller offences such as falsifying timesheets and theft of property, misconduct can have a devastating impact on your business.

Signs to look out for include paid invoices that can’t be accounted for, mysterious deposits of cash and timesheets that just don’t add up. As well as compromising the profitability of your business, in some cases misconduct can land you in hot water with the law.

A discreet and carefully managed workplace investigation is one of the most effective ways to identify corrupt employees and end misconduct.

3. Inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment

Every employee has a right to respect in the workplace. Nothing compromises this more than inappropriate behaviour and sexual harassment, an issue that plagues workplaces across the UK.

A recent report spearheaded by the Everyday Sexism Project and Trades Union Congress (TUC) revealed just how common sexual harassment is, with 52% of women experiencing some form of unwanted sexual behaviours in the workplace.

If you suspect an employee could be experiencing inappropriate behaviour or sexual harassment, it’s critical to listen closely to the allegations and take action before it escalates.

Take action and clean up your workplace

These are just some of the signs an undercover workplace investigation could be necessary. If you suspect something is amiss in your workplace, whether it’s bullying, misconduct, sexual harassment or something else entirely, get in touch today.

At M19 Solutions, we have both male and female private investigators with the skills and experience to identify perpetrators and gather rock-solid evidence. Our undercover investigations team represents a range of ethnic backgrounds and accents, allowing us to handpick private investigators that blend seamlessly into any workplace environment.