What is Moonlighting & How Can It Impact Your Business?

Moonlighting refers to the practice of working a second job or running a side business outside of a person’s main employment. It got its name from the typically secretive nature – with many people doing their second jobs at night! Why do people moonlight? It can be done for financial reasons, career development or personal interest. While moonlighting is legal…

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Why You Should Perform Social Media Background Checks

Far from being an invasion of privacy, social media background checks are a necessary and commonplace tool for businesses to screen prospective employees. According to YouGov research, nearly one in five employers avoided a disaster thanks to analysing a person's online activity, with offensive language being the main deterrent. Keep reading as we dive deeper into the reasons why you…

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What Is an Employment Background Check?

For those in charge of a competitive business, hiring the right people is crucial to achieving commercial success. After all, having good people on your team can help to increase productivity, boost sales and keep your customers coming back for more. Of course, the opposite is also true. If your recruitment drive allows just one bad apple to slip through…

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3 Signs an Undercover Workplace Investigation is Necessary

A good understanding of the internal mechanics of your workplace is critical to the ongoing success of your business. Of course, employees can be extremely shrewd when it comes to concealing information from their seniors. This is where undercover workplace investigations come in. Designed to take you behind the scenes of your workplace and empower you with information, internal investigations…

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Is It Illegal for Employees to Work Elsewhere When Off Sick?

Sick leave is in place to protect the financial interests of employees should they fall ill. While most employees use sick leave to focus on recovery, it’s not uncommon for individuals to take advantage and continue working while signed off sick. This can create issues for businesses that are paying sick leave and other benefits to an employee – which…

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