Lie Detector Test Blog Posts | M19 Solutions Private Investigators in Manchester Wed, 21 Aug 2024 10:54:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lie Detector Test Blog Posts | M19 Solutions 32 32 How Accurate are Lie Detector Results on Talk Shows? Tue, 10 May 2022 08:42:00 +0000 The first lie detector test was created in 1921 by part-time Californian policeman and physiologist John A. Larson. He combined the measurement of respiration, heart and blood pressure rates as an aid to detect deception in the human body. Since then, lie detectors have been co-opted as a tool to prove guilt or innocence in […]

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The first lie detector test was created in 1921 by part-time Californian policeman and physiologist John A. Larson. He combined the measurement of respiration, heart and blood pressure rates as an aid to detect deception in the human body.

Since then, lie detectors have been co-opted as a tool to prove guilt or innocence in a range of cultural settings, including famous talk shows such as Jeremy Kyle and The Jerry Springer Show.

But how accurate are lie detectors on talk shows really? And are they the best method for uncovering the truth for your personal or professional life? Keep reading to find out.

Lie detectors and talk shows

The history of using lie detectors (polygraph machines) on talk shows is well documented. The climactic and dramatic reveal of a cheating partner on TV is a zeitgeist moment that defined the late 1990s and most of the 2000s. It’s a popular frame of reference for countless parodies, including an episode of The Simpsons.

However, the actual accuracy of lie detectors on talk shows has come under scrutiny over the years. A 2003 scientific review of the equipment indicated that lie detectors tend to have an accuracy rating of approximately 75%. This percentage is considerably lower than the 96-99% accuracy that’s often stated before revealing polygraph results to a live audience.

Scientists claim that often the nervousness of the individual undertaking the test can result in a false positive. A 1986 review indicated that in every 100 true statements, 40 to 50 of them could be flagged as false.

This unreliability in lie detector results on talk shows has also had serious consequences for their guests. The Jeremy Kyle show was cancelled indefinitely, and the show itself was later found to be culpable in a court of law after a man failed a lie detector during an episode and later took his own life.

Is there a better way?

If you’re looking for a lie detector package that’s tamper-proof and much more reliable than a polygraph test, M19 Solutions has just the system for the job.

We use cutting-edge technology that focuses on eye-detect software that can detect deception in a completely new way in comparison to regular polygraph machines.

It uses infra-red pulses and algorithms that feed the data through a database to measure a person’s credibility. You get speedy results in less than 45 minutes and, unlike lie detectors used on talk shows, this innovative system doesn’t rely on invasive methods like strapping numerous wires to the examinee.

Our lie detector packages can be used for various situations such as suspected infidelity, pre-employment screening and accusations of theft or sexual abuse.

If you need to get credible results with technology and experts you can trust, contact our expert private investigators in Manchester today for a free consultation. After all, you deserve to know the facts.

The post How Accurate are Lie Detector Results on Talk Shows? appeared first on M19 Solutions.

How Much is a Lie Detector Test in the UK? Thu, 01 Apr 2021 12:52:08 +0000 There are many reasons why people want to do a lie detector test. It may be that your business is experiencing theft or fraud, or perhaps you have suspicions about a spouse. You could be facing criminal charges as a result of identity theft, and need to arrange your own lie detector test in order […]

The post How Much is a Lie Detector Test in the UK? appeared first on M19 Solutions.

There are many reasons why people want to do a lie detector test. It may be that your business is experiencing theft or fraud, or perhaps you have suspicions about a spouse. You could be facing criminal charges as a result of identity theft, and need to arrange your own lie detector test in order to clear your name.

Thankfully, it’s possible to do exactly that with help from expertly trained, accredited professionals, who have a proven background in either the police or military. Whether you’re an individual seeking answers or a company in need of hard evidence, a lie detector test can provide the information that you need in order to take the appropriate course of action.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at lie detector tests, including how they work, why you might need one and how much you can expect to pay for a lie detector test in the UK.

What is a lie detector test?

First things first, what actually is a lie detector test? Lie detector tests are typically carried out by a private investigator in order to establish the credibility and honesty of an examinee. There are different kinds of lie detector tests, but the most well-established and trustworthy are the polygraph and the ‘Eye Detect’ test.

Polygraphs work by measuring the emotional response of the participant, whereas the Eye Detect service measure subtle movements in the eyes in order to establish deception or credibility. They can be used separately or together, depending on the needs of each case.

A polygraph test purports to measure the effect of a lie on a person’s physiology. Examinations typically last between 2-4 hours and are made up of a pre-test interview, central test, and post-test review. Changes in the participant’s heart rate, blood pressure, sweat, respiration, and movement are all recorded in order to establish a graph from which results are drawn.

During the pre-test interview, the participant works with the investigator to establish a series of ‘yes/no’ questions – these are what they will answer during the actual exam. It’s essential that both examiner and examinee understand what is being asked, and that there is no confusion. The tests will typically be recorded, and the data will be analysed once collected.

M19 Solutions is one of very few UK-based companies offering the ‘Eye Detect’ lie detector test. This state-of-the-art deception detection equipment provides incontestable answers within minutes. Cutting-edge and tamper-proof, the Eye Detect service works by detecting slight fluctuations in the examinee’s eyes by using infrared pulses and a complex algorithm.

The data it generates is fed through a database, providing you with accurate results within 30-45 minutes, making it significantly speedier than a polygraph. Equally, it’s non-invasive – there are no fiddly wires, cables or sensors – which also makes it super portable. Our investigator will simply hook the examinee up to a computer, which will provide ‘true or false’ questions for them to answer. Having fed these results through a database, you’ll then get swift results in order to determine the examinee’s credibility.

How accurate is a lie detector test?

The accuracy of collated data is hugely dependent on the ability of the examiner to carry out a thorough exam. That’s why we always recommend using one of our professional operators, who are kept up to date with requisite training.

Polygraph machines can also be vulnerable to a number of technical issues that cause inaccuracies – from faulty wiring or sensors to inaccurate monitoring. The nervousness of the participant can also affect results and the collation of data.

Unlike polygraph tests, the Eye Detect is entirely automated, making it invulnerable to human error or bias. When compared to polygraph testing, Eye Detect provides far more reliable results, with 86% accuracy overall.

Can you pay for a lie detector test in the UK?

The good news is that you can pay for a lie detector test in the UK. Remember, if you’re looking to pay for a lie detector test, the price should be fixed and all inclusive. This ensures that you get the service you expect with no hidden costs. Referral agencies will charge you more as they work with a middleman, which means they require a referral fee.

Be wary of online services that purport to offer discounted lie detector tests, as these are frequently inaccurate and, without being operated by a trained professional, the data is more likely to be both biased and corruptible. At M19 Solutions, the price we offer is fixed, and all of our operators are specially trained and accredited.

How much does a lie detector test cost?

M19 Solutions will charge you a fixed fee of £350 for a lie detector test. This is significantly cheaper than what you’ll pay for a polygraph, which tends to cost around £399 – £499 depending on the company. It’s therefore amongst the most cost-effective, accurate lie detector tests presently available.

Plus, because our Eye Detect test is easily portable, our examiners can travel to your place of work or home in order to carry out the test. This means minimal fuss for you and maximum confidentiality – we pride ourselves on our discretion.

Contact us today

If you feel that you’re in need of a lie detector test that works swiftly and efficiently, contact one of our team today. We’ll treat your case with absolute discretion, and advise on your next steps, helping you get the evidence that you need.

Call us on 0161 706 0057 or email

The post How Much is a Lie Detector Test in the UK? appeared first on M19 Solutions.
